Use "federalize|federalized|federalizes|federalizing" in a sentence

1. You federalized performance standards.

2. As the Michigan National Guard had been federalized for the war effort, the remaining volunteer state troops were asked to mobilize.

3. “This is about Codifying and federalizing the changes made in some of those key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, and others,” Jordan told Thursday’s “John Bachman Now.” “It’s about those changes that were done in an unconstitutional fashion, it’s about making those changes apply to all the states, federalizing

4. "This is about Codifying and federalizing the changes made in some of those key battleground states like Pennsylvania, Arizona, and others," Jordan told Thursday's "John Bachman Now."

5. Loufoque offers the logical conclusion that if Hunt Burgled the Democratic HQ’s in DC AND also Burgled Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office to get dirt on the guy who released the damning Pentagon Papers, why not skyjack an airplane to give President Richard Nixon the political ammunition he would need to federalize airline safety?